Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Chip Kidd

Chip Kidd

The characteristics of this piece, the most obvious thing is that its illustrated, you can tell this because it looks hand drawn. He has used tone because of the contrast between black and white, also in this piece there has been negative space used. There isn't any texture used because you can see that its just been scanned into the computer. Also its very cartoon like.

The characteristics of this piece is that its a cartoon drawing, you can tell this by the way it has been draw. He has used primary colors of this piece because they are bright so they can stand out, it also looks like it was drawn a long time ago just by the style of the piece. The lightning bolt has a big effect on the piece because it goes straight thought the main feature of the piece, this is a significant part of the piece. I look like there is a textured background with the clouds by the was they have been done. There is also a black line around the main feature so it can stand out from the light background.

 The characteristics of this piece is that its very plain and there is a silhouette of a dinosaur which links in with the piece very well because that was the book that Chip Kidd was doing the cover for. He has only used 3 colors in the whole piece to not over do it. By just having the silhouette of a dinosaur is effective because its only the bones so it doesn't look realistic and this is a fiction book. By having the name of the author in a red makes it stand out and the name of the book in another makes it stand out from the white background and to have a black dinosaur makes it monochrome which is effective. There isn't very much texture but here is line with the silhouette. 
The characteristics is bright and colourful even though he only used 3 colors to create this piece. He has also used a clever use of text by making it go large to really small to make it look like its going around in a spiral. By having the word 'LOOP' it makes you think of loops and spirals and he has created a spiral effect with color and pattern. There isn't very much tone but there is line by having the color in lines and then spiralling it.


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